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A trauma-informed, heart-centred virtual psychotherapy practice, prioritizing emotional well-being, personal growth, healing, and authenticity.

Therapy Bee was founded on the beelief that healing is possible.


As a symbol of wisdom, rebirth, strength, and divinity, bees embody the transformative power of resilience and the profound interconnectedness between all living things. According to scientific understanding, bees shouldn't be able to fly. Their wings appear too small compared to their body size, making flight seemingly impossible. Yet, despite their limitations, bees defy the odds and soar through the air. They achieve the impossible through sheer belief in themselves. And like the bees, we work together in holistic harmony with our clients, focusing on you as a person in the context of your spirituality, health, relationships, families, friendships,

and belief systems. 


Our goal is to companion you through your grief journey, helping you through life's biggest challenges.

Grief doesn't just happen in our hearts and minds—it sends ripples across our routines and relationships, disrupting our daily lives. Suddenly, the simplest tasks feel like Herculean feats, and the world around us loses its familiar rhythm.

Are you struggling with any of these issues?

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Intense Emotions




Physical Symptoms

two bandaids crossed




Cognitive Challenges

brain open with messy string illustration



Social Isolation

sketch of girl hugging her knees in despair



Relationship Strain

network of people



Existential Questions

Three question marks



Role Changes

two masks with sad faces



Financial Stress




Spiritual Crisis

A dove flying



Complicated Grief

A tangled ball of string

While grief is a natural response to loss, sometimes we need help to navigate the complexities of emotions and challenges that can come with the loss of loved one. Want to learn more about our approach to your grief and mental health? 

Areas of Grief

If you are experiencing difficulty with any of the following types of loss, we can help: 

  • Bereavement due to the passing of a loved one

  • Loss of a loved one to suicide or overdose

  • Relationship dissolution, whether through breakup or divorce

  • Chronic illness and enduring pain

  • Receiving a diagnosis of a terminal illness

  • Transitioning into hospice care

  • Receiving a mental health diagnosis

  • Miscarriage or infant loss

  • Loss of self-identity

  • Family estrangement resulting from abuse, addiction, or mental health issues

  • Experience of LGBTQIA+ discrimination and familial estrangement

There is often pressure for grieving individuals to swiftly overcome these losses. We are expected to "move on" and "get over it". Speaking openly about our pain can unsettle those around us, leading to their discomfort. However, we want to assure you that your grief doesn't discomfort us. As a provider of grief and loss therapy, we provide a safe space for you to express your emotions freely and without judgment.


A Message from our Founder

My journey through the twists and turns of loss and grief has gifted me with a deep empathy and understanding of the challenges you might be wrestling with. Picture me as your compassionate guide, carving out a cozy haven where you can freely unpack your emotions without fear of judgment. Your story is safe with me—I provide a confidential space for you to explore and express yourself authentically.

In my practice, I specialize in navigating the myriad forms of grief—whether it's the bittersweet ache of anticipatory grief, the murky waters of ambiguous grief, the silent struggles of disenfranchised grief or the trauma of a sudden and painful loss. Consider me your seasoned navigator, ready to help you chart a course towards healing and hope.

Let's embark on this journey together.

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Andrea O'Reilly, MSW, RSW, CCTP
Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist 
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional

Just as bees extract honey from bitter flowers, so does the wise turn tribulations into opportunities for healing and growth.

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Virtual Therapy
From Grief to Growth

Therapy Bee Online Appointments are fully HIPAA, PIPEDA/PHIPA, and GDPR compliant. Our platform prioritizes the privacy and confidentiality of client information. We use best-in-class providers to ensure secure and encrypted communication methods to protect your sensitive data.


Therapy Bee is based on a virtual therapy model of service delivery, understanding that grief work is hard work. We want you to feel comfortable in the privacy of your own home, without the additional burden of worrying about caregiving, commuting time, parking, transportation costs, or inclement weather. 

Therapy Bee Office

Ready to begin healing?

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute session with me now and get started on your journey to healing.

If you are in immediate crisis or if another person may be in danger - don't use this site. Call 9-1-1 to get immediate assistance. This website is designed for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide diagnoses or replace therapy or medical treatment. If you're facing a psychiatric or mental health emergency, please call 9-8-8 or 9-1-1 (in Canada) or visit your nearest emergency room and request to see the on-call psychiatrist. Your safety and well-being are paramount.

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